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VirHost - The Potential Hosts for Human Viruses Server

Karen Sargsyan1, Karine Mazmanian1, Jon D. Wright1 and Carmay Lim1,2

1Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Chemistry, National TsingHua University, HsinChu, Taiwan

This server can be used to search for other species that may host human viruses. You can also search our database on viruses as well for any information we may have.

For your target protein provide either a NCBI gene symbol name such as ACE2 or a fasta format sequence that you would like the results for.

An example of the results for the ACE2 entry can be found on this page.

Submission area choose one of option A, B or Option C:

Option A) To see what information we have on your virus.
If you would just like our stored information on a number of viruses then enter the virus name below to search for it, short simple terms such as herpes work best.
Provide virus name:

Option B) For a known NCBI gene symbol name.
Provide a NCBI gene symbol:

Option C) For a fasta format, with or without known important residues.
Please paste your fasta sequence into the box here, single letter codes only:

If you have specific important residues then enter them here, separated by commas, e.g. S19,Q24,T27,F28,D30,K31 if none then just leave this box blank.

Resources that VirHost uses:

NCBI, Resource Coordinators. 2017. 'Database Resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.', Nuc. Acids Res., 45: D12–D17. DOI:

UniProt, Consortium. 2021. 'UniProt: the universal protein knowledgebase in 2021.', Nuc. Acids Res., 49: D480-D89. DOI:

Code that this server uses can be obtained from github as wrigjz/virhost_php.

The VirHost server is hosted at The Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan.
To contact us please email